Are you looking for a niche market for Ambulance?

Ambulance Insurance Program
Ambulance Insurance Program

The Ambulance Insurance Program was developed by and is exclusive to Bellingham Underwriters, a division of Arrowhead. With limits up to $5,000,000 you can avoid the hassles of the excess marketplace, since this is an admitted program*. This program’s target is directed towards for-profit emergency and non-emergency medical ambulance companies operating Type I, Type II, Type III, with some flexibility towards Ambulettes or passenger/wheelchair vans used for paratransit if less than 20% of total operations. Our unique product creates a stable, long term market that is more sensitive to real variance in risk which enables us to offer competitive pricing. We have the ability to offer a full package in a single product

*Excepting professional liability

Program Enhancements since 2018: 

  • Abuse and molestation coverage
  • Property coverage now available
  • Program now available in Maryland
  • Motor Vehicle Records (MVR’s) no longer required for quotation*
  • No longer charging for most midterm driver additions**
  • Relaxation of information requirements (see updated application)

*While MVRs are desired at time of quotation, they are not required. However, current MVRs will be need prior to binding, ultimate premium pricing is dependent on review of actual MVRs.

**Drivers falling outside of acceptable driver guidelines may still be subject to additional premium charges and/or be subject to restrictions up to and including exclusion.

Target Markets:

  • First response/paramedics operating as independent contractors and not affiliated with a fire department, hospital, or municipal entity.
  • For profit ambulance companies
  • Service Vehicles associated with commercial operations
  • Private Passenger type vehicles owned by a Corp, LLC, or partnership and used for business purposes
  • Ambulettes or passenger vans used for paratransit if less than 20% of total operation

Coverage Highlights

  • Auto Liability
  • Auto Physical Damage
  • Inland Marine
  • General liability
  • Excess
  • Sexual Abuse Molestation
  • Garage Keepers Legal Liability
  • Property
  • Medical Malpractice
  • Professional Liability
  • Cyber Liability and Data Breach Response

Bellingham is always open to developing relationships with new retail partners. Does your agency fit? Ask yourself the following questions to find out:

  • Are you looking for a long term stable product with an “A” rated admitted carrier?
  • Do you agents know and understand their clients and the business being submitted?
  • Do you do the research to be able to provide complete and accurate information on all risks?
  • Is a better overall product more important to you than the cheapest price?
  • Do you have a desire to work with the knowledge and flexible underwriters instead of just a binding authority?
  • Are you willing to collaborate with our underwriters to write business?
  • Is the majority of the business you target eligible for our program?

Please contact us  if you would like more information regarding the program or appointment